Author name: Solandi



Various factors influence the success of your weight loss journey:

✔️Portion control :It’s important to understand how you can balance and portion control your meals – if you eat large portions of refined carbs, too much fruits or high-fat & sugar meals, it will lead to weight gain.

 ✔️Insulin Resistance :Carbohydrates are broken down into sugar and once absorbed into your bloodstream it acts as energy for your body. Too much glucose(sugar) in the blood, requires more insulin to regulate sugar levels. An imbalance causes the cells to resist the working of insulin. Your pancreas works harder to get rid of the excess sugar and the remaining sugars get stored as fats. 

✔️Calorie-dense meals :Junk foods, luxuries and sugar containing beverages are jam packed with calories. If you are eating more calories and not burning sufficient energy with exercise, it will result in weight gain.

✔️Physical inactivity :Exercise helps to boost your metabolism and ensures you burn those extra fats. Unfortunately you cannot guarantee sustainable weight loss without being active. 

✔️Fluids :Steer clear from sugar-containing beverages since they are very high in calories. Aim for 6-8 glasses of water to boost your metabolism and keep you energized. 

✔️Fiber focused :A diet lacking fiber rich meals like wholegrain cereals, bread, brown rice, lentils, fruit and vegetables will keep you feeling hungry often, leading to snacking often and over portioning – resulting in weight gain.


P L A N T B A S E D / V E G A N

 P L A N T B A S E D  /  V E G A N 

A well-planned vegan or vegetarian diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, legumes, wholegrains, nuts and seeds contain less saturated (bad) fats, lower calories and more fibre, potassium and Vitamin C. •For this reason a plantbased lifestyle is wholesome and balanced, lowering the risk for health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer. •
Understanding the diet preferences:
🌱Vegetarian : Eats eggs, dairy & cheese, but no animal meat. 

🌱Lacto-vegetarian : Eats dairy, but no eggs. 

🌱Ovo-vegetarian : Eats eggs, but no dairy. 

🌱Pescatarian : Eats fish included in vegetarian diet.

🌱Vegan : Animal-free lifestyle, most likely eliminates all meat, dairy and any animal product. 
If you can’t commit to going fully vegan or vegetarian – try a Flexitarian diet. Cut back on animal products, without completely cutting them out of your diet. 
❗️Vegans and Vegetarians need to pay special attention to the following nutrients to ensure dietary requirements are met:
Protein ; Iron ; Calcium ; Vitamin D ; Zinc ; Vitamin B12 & Omega 3 fatty acids

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 F I B R E 
Dietary fibre is essential for good digestive health. It keeps you regular, helps you stay fuller for longer, improves good cholesterol and blood sugar levels and lower the risk of chronic disease such as diabetes, heart disease and colon cancer. •Why should my diet include Wholegrains?

✔️They are packed with fibre and can be easily added to every meal. Choose a high fibre cereal for breakfast, wholegrain bread or salad for lunch and include brown rice with supper. •How much Fibre do I need?

✔️🧍🏻‍♂️< 50yrs : >38g p/day     🧍🏻‍♂️> 50yrs : >30g p/day     🧍🏻‍♀️< 50yrs : >25g p/day     🧍🏻‍♀️> 50yrs : >21g p/dayIncluding fibre is important, but you need the right balance. Too much can lead to constipation and bloating, especially if your water intake is too low. Too little fibre can cause digestive discomfort and leave you hungry. •Can I take a supplement?

✔️Fibre found naturally in food is much better than that in a pill. If you’ve been advised to avoid high-fibre foods due to a medical condition or food sensitivity, you can take a soluble fibre supplement. •How do I add enough fibre?

✔️Sprinkle chia seeds over oats, snack on homemade popcorn, enjoy dried fruit, add legumes into soup and mix oats with mince when making meatballs. •Can fibre help to control weight?

✔️Increasing fibre intake can help you achieve your ideal body weight because fibre slows down the digestion of food, keeping you fuller for longer. 

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“ F R E E -F R O M “ F O O D S

“ F R E E -F R O M “ F O O D S

Food sensitivities can either be a food allergy (which involves the immune system) or food intolerances (does not involve immune system). Most common sensitivities: wheat, gluten, lactose and dairy. •

✔️Gluten-free diet:Excludes the protein gluten, found in grains such as wheat, barley and rye. This diet is indicated in people with coeliac disease or gluten sensitivity. 
To ensure you get enough fibre in your gluten-free diet, add flaxseed or chia seeds to cereal or use brown rice and quinoa as alternative grains. •

✔️Lactose-free diet:Excludes food containing lactose, the sugar found in milk products. When the body lacks lactase, an enzyme that breaks down lactose – an intolerance develops. Beneficial in people with lactose-related digestive issues. 
Lactose-free milk does not contain lactose, but does have all the essentials such as protein, calcium and Vit D. •

✔️Dairy-free diet:Excludes cow’s milk and related dairy products. It’s an abnormal response to the protein found in milk, common allergy found in children. Indicated with a dairy allergy. 
Milk and dairy foods provide nutrients essential for growth, bone and dental health. Your diet needs adequate amounts of protein, calcium and B vitamins – thus careful planning of nutrient-dense foods or supplementation should be considered for lactose-intolerant children. 

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S I M P L E  I S  S U S T A I N A B L E 

S I M P L E  I S  S U S T A I N A B L E 
In a world filled with so many magical diets and pills and potions – it’s easy to get confused with what you actually need to focus on. •No need to complicate nutrition. Just go back to the basics and keep it simple. •

✔️Include a variety of food groups in your diet:Focus on wholegrains, lean protein, fruit and vegetables as well as healthy fats. 

✔️Never skip breakies: Ensure you eat a high fibre breakfast cereal or boiled eggs with smashed avo on toast. You will manage your weight better and improve energy levels when you focus on eating breakfast. 

✔️Choose lean Protein:Fish, chicken without skin,lean red meat up to 3 times a week and include plant proteins (lentils, beans, chickpeas)

✔️Eat the colours of the Rainbow:Include lots of vegetables and fill half your plate with veggies. Snack on fruits too and you will reward your gut healtn with excellent nourishment. 

✔️Aim for healthy Fats:Olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocado are a fee examples. Small portions of healthy fats form a crucial part of your healthy diet. •With a balanced diet including a variety of food groups, you will feel good, comfortable, be energized and on top of an improved sleep routine you also decrease your risk for chronic disease. -x-Keep it simple – it’s sustainable.

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