“ F R E E -F R O M “ F O O D S

“ F R E E -F R O M “ F O O D S
Food sensitivities can either be a food allergy (which involves the immune system) or food intolerances (does not involve immune system). Most common sensitivities: wheat, gluten, lactose and dairy. •
✔️Gluten-free diet:Excludes the protein gluten, found in grains such as wheat, barley and rye. This diet is indicated in people with coeliac disease or gluten sensitivity.
To ensure you get enough fibre in your gluten-free diet, add flaxseed or chia seeds to cereal or use brown rice and quinoa as alternative grains. •
✔️Lactose-free diet:Excludes food containing lactose, the sugar found in milk products. When the body lacks lactase, an enzyme that breaks down lactose – an intolerance develops. Beneficial in people with lactose-related digestive issues.
Lactose-free milk does not contain lactose, but does have all the essentials such as protein, calcium and Vit D. •
✔️Dairy-free diet:Excludes cow’s milk and related dairy products. It’s an abnormal response to the protein found in milk, common allergy found in children. Indicated with a dairy allergy.
Milk and dairy foods provide nutrients essential for growth, bone and dental health. Your diet needs adequate amounts of protein, calcium and B vitamins – thus careful planning of nutrient-dense foods or supplementation should be considered for lactose-intolerant children.
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